Your pet shop in Las Palmas

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Experts in the care of your pet's skin and fur

En nuestra peluquería canina y felina en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, no solo nos preocupamos por la estética de tu mascota, sino que priorizamos su bienestar y confort durante toda su estancia. Contamos con un equipo altamente cualificado y con años de experiencia, que se dedica a trabajar de manera individualizada con cada perro y gato, adaptándose a sus necesidades y ritmo para que la sesión no se haga pesada y ni estresante.

Además de embellecer, nos preocupamos de cuidar la piel y el pelo de tu mascota, utilizando los mejores productos y los más naturales que garantizan resultados óptimos y duraderos

Nuestro compromiso es que cada visita se convierta en una experiencia única y relajante tanto para ti como para tu mascota. Déjanos formar parte del bienestar de tu perro o gato, donde la calidad, el respeto y el amor por lo que hacemos, se reflejan en cada corte y tratamiento que realizamos.

Nuestros servicios:

Baths and Arrangements

Baths for all breeds and fur types. Arrangement of hygienic areas to maintain the hygiene and comfort of your pet.


We free your pet from knots and eliminate dead hair leaving the perfect volume of its coat.

Scissors and machine cuts

We adapt to the needs of each fur coat to achieve a cut that enhances its natural beauty and gives it a unique style.

Nail clippings and pads

Your furry friend will feel comfortable with every step after a good "pawing" session.

Ear and gland cleaning

You will feel wellness from the inside out in your day to day life.

Trimming and Stripping

We apply specific techniques to give definition and texture to hard fur breeds and mixed breeds with this type of fur.

Showroom Hairdressing

We prepare your dog to show off his impressive mane and be the best in his beauty contests.

Dermatological treatments

We carry out periodic treatments with therapeutic shampoos to relieve itching, eczema and fungus on your pet's skin.

Fur coat recovery treatments

We improve your dog's fur coat with moisturising treatments, curl restoration, frizz elimination, etc.

Deworming treatments

We offer treatments to protect your little friend against parasites that can affect them.

Frequently asked questions of the pet grooming

La duración de la sesión de peluquería variará dependiendo del tipo de pelo de tu mascota. Para los perros de pelo corto, el servicio de baño e higiene generalmente dura entre 30 minutos y 1 hora. Si tu mascota es un gato o un perro grande que requiere deslanado, el tiempo estimado es de algo más de 1 hora. 

En caso de que el servicio implique un corte de pelo, te aconsejamos enviarnos una foto de tu mascota a través de WhatsApp. Podremos hacer una valoración basada en el estado de su manto y tamaño para calcular con mayor precisión el tiempo que necesitaremos.

In general, dogs tend to feel more restless and nervous if their guardian is present during the grooming session. Therefore, we recommend that you do not stay inside the grooming room during the grooming session.

However, our facilities are fully glazed, so you will be able to observe the service at all times without your pet being able to see you. This recommendation may vary depending on the temperament of each dog, as in some cases with behavioural problems it may be beneficial for the owner to be present.

In the case of cats, we always recommend that a family member remains for the entire session, as unlike dogs, this tends to calm them down.  

For us, the safety and health of your pet are paramount. We have spacious areas where your furry friend can rest while waiting for their grooming session. Although we prefer them to stay with us in the cabin, at certain times, such as at the change of shift, we must keep them in these spaces for safety. Each dog has its own space, we never leave several dogs together without your consent.

In the case of cats, we know that they get stressed in the presence of other animals, so the grooming session will be done only with your cat. We use pheromones to help them relax.

As for the cleaning and disinfection of our facilities, we use antibacterial and antiviral products. Our instruments are sterilised with ultraviolet light to guarantee the elimination of any possible contaminants. In addition, each pet has its own individual towel to ensure hygiene and comfort.


All dogs, regardless of their specific needs, should visit the grooming salon at least every two to three months for a more thorough grooming than we can provide at home. Although regular maintenance including bathing and blow-drying is carried out at home , a more comprehensive grooming programme is carried out at the grooming salon that goes beyond aesthetics. In addition to bathing and drying, fundamental tasks are carried out for the pet's health, such as nail, anal gland and ear care. These aspects are key to ensuring your dog's overall well-being.

For dogs with longer coats, it is recommended to schedule grooming visits every 4 to 6 weeks, while short-haired breeds can be seen every 8 to 12 weeks. However, it is advisable to consult our team of experts, as each fur coat and skin requires special care. In case of allergy problems, weekly baths are suggested to ensure the dog's well-being.

Therefore, visits to the grooming salon include not only hygiene and beautification of the fur, but also a comprehensive care that contributes to the health of your pet. At the grooming salon, the health of the skin, the detection of possible parasites and other aspects relevant to keeping your dog healthy and happy are monitored.


What should I do if I have to cancel my appointment?

To cancel an appointment, we ask that you give us at least 12 hours notice, unless there is a justified last minute inconvenience. We work to a tight schedule and no-shows or delays without prior notice can be a financial challenge for our small business. Simply give us that notice and we will re-book an appointment for you, finding a time slot that suits you best.

We recommend you to make the cancellation via WhatsApp , as you can write to us at any time and, once we have checked the agenda, we will be able to deal with your request. This will leave a written record that will avoid confusion. We will let you know the day before by WhatsApp message, and that is the ideal time to confirm or cancel the appointment. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Would you like to book an appointment or check the price and availability of our services?


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