You should update this document to reflect your T&C.
Below text serves as a suggestion and doesn’t engage Odoo S.A. responsibility.
- The client explicitly waives its own standard terms and conditions, even if these were drawn up after these standard terms and conditions of sale. In order to be valid, any derogation must be expressly agreed to in advance in writing.
- Nuestras facturas son pagaderas en un plazo de 21 días hábiles, a menos que se indique otro plazo de pago en la factura o en el pedido. En caso de impago en la fecha de vencimiento, Animal Park se reserva el derecho de solicitar un pago de interés fijo equivalente al 10% del importe restante adeudado. Animal Park estará autorizada a suspender cualquier prestación de servicios sin previo aviso en caso de retraso en el pago.
- Si un pago aún está pendiente más de sesenta (60) días después de la fecha de vencimiento, Animal Park se reserva el derecho de recurrir a los servicios de una empresa de recuperación de deudas. Todos los gastos legales correrán a cargo del cliente.
- Certain countries apply withholding at source on the amount of invoices, in accordance with their internal legislation. Any withholding at source will be paid by the client to the tax authorities. Under no circumstances can Sheilla Ramos Peraira become involved in costs related to a country's legislation. The amount of the invoice will therefore be due to Sheilla Ramos Peraira in its entirety and does not include any costs relating to the legislation of the country in which the client is located.
- Sheilla Ramos Peraira undertakes to do its best to supply performant services in due time in accordance with the agreed timeframes. However, none of its obligations can be considered as being an obligation to achieve results. Sheilla Ramos Peraira cannot under any circumstances, be required by the client to appear as a third party in the context of any claim for damages filed against the client by an end consumer.
- In order for it to be admissible, Sheilla Ramos Peraira must be notified of any claim by means of a letter sent by recorded delivery to its registered office within 8 days of the delivery of the goods or the provision of the services.
- All our contractual relations will be governed exclusively by Spain law.